Private higher education institution, created in June of 1986, ISO 9001 certified. Recognized by the Portuguese Government. Organized in 4 Departments: Law, Economics, Management and Informatics, Heritage and Tourism and Psychology and Education.

Oporto (Portugal)
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 541
Tel. 00351 225 572 000
UPT – Oporto Global University, ISO 9001 certified is recognized by the Portuguese Government and the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES. UPT’s Research unit, IJP, is certified by the Portuguese funding agency for research, FCT. UPT is organized in four Departments structured according to the Bologna Process. UPT aims to be a model in higher education, taking the advantages of the different department’s synergies. More than acquiring theoretical knowledge, the students have the chance to develop practical work and research projects, developing different kinds of skills that prepare them for jobs in future career and for living in a competitive global society. It is also our priority to promote and maintain relationships with overseas universities with which we have partnerships, and to extend further our network both in Europe and other countries. UPT is enthusiastically committed to a system of educational visits and exchanges, every year hosting visits from professors of European universities that are in turn reciprocated by departmental faculty. It has thriving Erasmus links and receives numbers of students through this scheme as well as from other non-European countries. UPT has a wide and modern campus in the Asprela University zone located in the city of Oporto. It is well-known for high technological innovation level. The several computation laboratories are available 24h a day with wireless net over the campus which makes access to information easier, contributing to the personal and scientific development of the students. UPT has 3 research centres: Portucalense Institute for Legal Research, Research Group Economics, Management and Informatics, Research Group Psychology and Education that develop extra-curricular activities. There are different areas in the campus: not only the Library that invites the students to study and reflection, but also the bookshop, forum, canteen, bars, in and outdoor cafés and parks for leisure and social contact. Our country is the homeland of companies that develop some of the finest technologies that are impacting our world. Portugal's profile also goes beyond innovation. It is also made of recognition that some of the best traditional products have our country as a birthplace. For example, Portuguese wine brands and olive oil brands are among the best in the world. Portugal is also a safe country with great logistic infrastructures, advanced communication systems, and a friendly economic environment. These are some of the reasons why many world leading companies choose Portugal to invest. A place to visit and enjoy.