ESAD is a top-quality Private College for Art and Design, with excellent facilities and strong links with Universities in Europe, Brazil and Canada.

Senhora da Hora / Matosinhos (Portugal)
Avª. Calouste Gulbenkian s/n
Tel. +351 229578750
Founded in 1989, ESAD College of Art and Design, located in Matosinhos, Portugal, is a private College which has established itself as a top-quality higher education institute for teaching, research and related activities in the field of art and design. ESAD College of Art and Design trains students to participate and compete nationally and internationally, keeping up with the growing demands of understanding the role of design and the arts, and widening creative, critical and technological competencies. The Campus offer everything that the student needs: rooms for the theoretical and practical Subjects, specialized laboratories, modern computer labs, wood and metal workshops, jewellery and silkscreen, photography and video, specialized library, print service, shop for materials, and a cafeteria /restaurant. Read more at: ESAD also offers a wide programme of seminars, conferences, workshops and exhibitions, encouraging within the college a critical and reflective environment relating to the themes most pertinent to the field of design, both nationally and internationally. We have cooperation and International exchanges with many Universities in Europe, namely within Erasmus + Programme, and also with Brasil, Canada, Israel and Kenya. ESAD is also member of CUMULUS Association. In accordance with European standards for HEIs the extent of BA is 180 ECTS credits and MA 240 ECTS. For more informations about studying at ESAD please see: Read more at: .
We help to find accomodation in Student's Dormitories, flats or rooms. Alumni networks: ESAD Student’s Association: FAP: / ESN Porto –;; StudentNetworkPorto