Year of establishment: 1920
UNWE has eight faculties: General Economics, Finance and Accounting, Business Faculty, Economics of Infrastructure, International Economics and Politics, Management and Administration, Applied Informatics and Statistics, and Law.

Sofia (Bulgaria)
Student town, 8th December Str.
Tel. +359 2/ 81 95 438
Established in 1920, with 21 430 students the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) is the oldest, most prestigious and largest economic university in South-Eastern Europe, the first in the rankings of Bulgarian universities with economic specialities. In 2012 UNWE obtained for the second time the highest institutional assessment (9,65/10) among all Bulgarian universities from the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)). The University holds also a certificate of quality training ISO 9001:2008 awarded by Moody International Certification GmbH. UNWE has eight faculties: General Economics, Finance and Accounting, Business Faculty, Economics of Infrastructure, International Economics and Politics, Management and Administration, Applied Informatics and Statistics, and Law. In regular and distance learning it provides training in 39 undergraduate programs (nine of which are taught only in English) and 40 graduate programs. Traditionally UNWE has the highest number of employed graduates in Bulgaria, many in senior positions. With its scientific capacity of 587 academic staff members UNWE carries out ultidisciplinary research in its key areas of expertise such as Economics, Management, Social Insurance, Social Policy, Labour Economics, Law. UNWE has substantial experience in running research and education projects. In 2014 it implemented 134 such projects supported by international, national and institutional funds and programs. UNWE’s capacity in developing reliable research and academic partnerships is also based on the bilateral contracts it has concluded with over 100 universities in Europe, Asia and the United States. These contracts provide for development of student and staff exchange, joint publication of research results, development of joint research projects, joint participation in scientific conferences and events. UNWE’s Congress Centre offers excellent conditions for hosting academic and research forums, as well as informal events. The university maintains a system for video capture, live streaming and storage of records in a digital archive providing for video broadcasting on the Internet, creating hardware and software tools to create a WEB-based system for watching live and publication of recorded official events, lectures, seminars, conferences hold at the University, and their use by external users. The university library offers services to more than 154 000 readers annually. It keeps 465 443 volumes, including 120 000 in foreign languages, 22 000 of which are accessible through the university computer network.