Tomas Bata University in Zlín (TBU) is a dynamically growing higher education institution comprised of six faculties offering students the possibility of studying humanities, natural sciences, technology and art.

Zlín (Czech Republic)
nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555
Tel. +420 57 603 2238
TBU follows a longstanding tradition of the Faculty of Technology, which was founded in Zlín in 1969 and since than has educated hundreds of highly-qualified professionals. The University is named after the originator of the shoe industry in Zlín and a world-famous entrepreneur Tomáš Baťa (1876 – 1932). At TBU, considerable emphasis is laid on teaching English and other foreign languages. The offer of its degree programmes taught in English has been continually extended. Maximum support is given to all forms of international cooperation, i.e. student exchanges, lectures and teaching internships, joint research projects, etc. The University offers a three-level study based on the European Credit Transfer System. Its graduates are issued the Diploma Supplement, the aim of which is to enhance their position in the European labour market. It is recognized all over Europe. In 2009 the University was awarded the prestigious Diploma Supplement Label by the European Commission (for the second time), which has raised its reputation among other higher education institutions in Europe. In 2012 TBU was awarded the ECTS Label by the European Commission, which is the most prestigious European certificate awarded in the sphere of tertiary education. TBU is a member of numerous international organizations. Its membership in the EUA (European University Association), which associates over 800 universities from 46 countries in Europe, is one of the most prestigious ones. It enables the University to participate in all the EUA’s significant activities aiming to support higher education in Europe and so to present itself to the whole of the European academic community. The University has also signed the Magna Charta Universitatum of Bologna, which among other things aims to support scientific development and freedom, and to remove boundaries when gaining and transferring knowledge. The Charta signatories undertake to create conditions for teacher and student mobility. TBU is also a member of the Danube Rectors’ Conference, which associates universities in the Danube region, and of some other institutions. ImageThe University offers a wide range of attractive degree programmes, which can be studied at its six faculties: Faculty of Technology (FT) Faculty of Management and Economics (FaME) Faculty of Multimedia Communications (FMC) Faculty of Applied Informatics (FAI) Faculty of Humanities (FHS) Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management (FLCM) A high quality university is characterized by advanced research and development. Some areas of research, such as polymer engineering, chemistry or automation and technology process control, have earned TBU excellent reputation abroad.