SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design is the first postgraduate school for design disciplines in Italy, founded in Milan in 1954. Today, SPD is an international laboratory for exchanging experiences, for developing projects by keeping a balance between function and expression, production and experimentation, thanks to the combination of its Italian roots and a strong international orientation

Milan (Italy)
20143, SPD - Scuola Politecnica di Design, Via Carlo Bo, 7, Milan, Italy
Tel. 02 21597590
The young professionals that the school is able to offer to the market and the creative work developed every year are also testimony to this incredibly rewarding dialogue with companies, manufacturers and the various actors along the design chain. The Master’s courses offered by SPD are organised in collaboration with IULM University and award academic degree certificates recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research MIUR and the relevant credits under the ECTS system.
Creativity is a daily task at SPD. Since its foundation in 1954 it has welcomed an extraordinary community of students from various countries and backgrounds. Everyone has an unequalled opportunity: they work side by side with excellent professionals, engage in dialogue with a number of academic partners and swap experiences with young talents from all over the world. All of this takes place in Milan, a city with an incredibly close-to-hand and accessible heritage made up of architecture and design, production and business, communication and art.
At SPD every student is followed individually by a faculty made up of designers, professionals from various fields and visiting tutors. Teaching is arranged into intensive workshops, studio classes, theoretical lectures, seminars and visits. Research work carried out in collaboration with leading companies such as Volkswagen, Beiersdorf, Poltrona Frau Group, Microsoft, Heineken, Alfa Romeo, Alias is a crucial experience at SPD. These projects are developed according to a comprehensive approach which is a testing ground for the student’s skills, from the concept idea to its execution. The result of this work is translated into high quality education with a professional orientation.
After successful completion of the Master program, eligible students can earn first level University Master degrees accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Reseach MIUR and corresponding to 60 ECTS credits.
SPD’s offer of postgraduate education consists of specialist Master degrees lasting 15 months from six different departments: Industrial Design, Interior Design, Transportation and Car Design, Visual Design, Web and Digital Design, Food Design.
The catalogue of full time annual programmes also includes One-Year Courses in Product, Visual Design or Car Design Tools addressed to candidates with an academic background that is not relevant to the selected area of further studies. One-Year Courses provide a balanced combination of project-based training, theoretical and operational teaching. They can also be intended as a foundation to the Masters.
The project-based approach applied at SPD promotes cooperative learning and encourages students to get in touch with professionals and companies. Throughout the year they are engaged in different projects – either intensive one-week workshops or studio experiences lasting the whole semester – allowing them to acquire a global vision of the profession, round off their design thinking and build solid skills. Each student is reviewed by the tutors at least on a weekly base to allow a constant improvement of the proposals. Class critique is also encouraged to build stronger awareness of the pros and cons of each design. The close collaboration with professionals, brands and institutions enables the students to get ready for the relationship with the client.