Medical University-Pleven is a state regulated, self-governed, accredited specialized university and offers high quality education in the fields of medicine and health care.

Pleven (Bulgaria)
1 Sv. Kliment Ohridski Str.
Tel. 0035964884101
Medical University – Pleven (MU-Pleven), Bulgaria, founded in 1974, is a state regulated, accredited, specialized university, offering high quality education in the fields of Medicine, Public health and Health care, and starting from this year – Pharmacy. The education and scientific policy of the University is in accordance with the European and world standards. Medical University – Pleven is included in the World Directory of Medical Schools. The university is a leading educational institution in the areas of telemedicine, robotic surgery and endoscopic surgery in gynecology and urology. MU-Pleven aims to be the first university in Eastern Europe to broadcast 3D live minimally-invasive/robotic operations at the newly-established Telecommunication Endoscopic Training Centre for training purposes for undergraduate and post-graduate medical students. Medical University – Pleven offers Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs, carried out in Bulgarian language in 12 Specialties. The University provides education in 34 doctoral programs in Bulgarian and English language, and teaches postgraduate students in 61 medical specialties. Medical University – Pleven has been educating international students in English language since 1997. The Faculty of Medicine offers a full-time, six-year course of training in Medicine. The studies for international students are carried out in English language. All graduates are awarded a Master’s Degree diploma of completed higher medical education. The University has a firm commitment to celebrating cultural diversity, so it gladly welcomes international students from all over the world. MU-Pleven adheres to a policy of non-discrimination in admitting students without reference of race, color, religion, gender, handicap or national origin. Currently, approximately 500 international students from 39 countries study at MU-Pleven. More than 900 international students from 45 countries have graduated from the specialty of Medicine so far. Many of our graduates are working at the cutting edge of medical practice in a variety of countries. In order to improve teaching and research, our University has established numerous contacts with medical schools in Bulgaria and other European countries. The different Departments participate in the European Community Program for Lifelong Learning (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci), the 6th Framework Program, as well as in programs of the World Health Organization and Dreyfus Health Foundation. Students access to variety of scientific research work, summer internships and international exchange programs. The University is awarded with Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the program period 2014-2020. Our University has established good relations in the field of high technology with China, and currently works on a research project, funded by the National Fund for Scientific Research of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the People’s Republic of China.